I could have done without the power outages and general landscaping damage, but it was nice to have some rain to replenish the creeks. When we get enough rain that it starts to run off the hills, we can enjoy visits to two of our local waterfalls.
The first is the Zim Zim falls, in Napa County on DFG's Napa Ranch. This waterfall is over 100-feet high, and roars between a notch of rock into the Zim Zim valley. Last year's meager rainfall didn't get this waterfall really going, so I'm hoping for better things this year. This fall drains a large valley, so if it gets going, it usually lasts through spring as a pretty big flow.
The second is the Pierce Canyon falls, in Yolo County. This waterfall is viewable from a public dirt road (Road 53) that leads out of Guinda, and only runs once Casey Flats begins draining water. This fall is best after a heavy storm, so be sure to time your hike accordingly. I've seen it roaring and I've seen it as a trickle. Dave Pratt has the best photo of it, which I've posted below. He loves this hike and is great about timing it.
Thanks for the headsup Andrew. I'm looking forward to this hiking season. Are there any club hikes in the works?
I've got two more hikes up, as well as some summer kayak dates. I'll be adding more in the near future...scheduling changes when you have kids....
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