Monday, June 25, 2007

Cache Creek Weed Control Project - Results Are Great

On May 25th, I went down the Wilderness Run of Cache Creek, to look at how Tuleyome's work was holding up from last year. It was nice to see that the invasive tamarisk and arundo plants we had treated last year were nice and dead. Only a few re-sprouts!

By the end of this year, we should be done with over 90% of the weeds on this 19-mile stretch of river. Feels good. Tired...but good.

A large arundo clump, now dead. Notice the slash from out cutting, on the left of the photo.

Another Arundo clump at Kennedy Flats. This was huge and took part of the evening and the next morning to cut, last year.

A large tamarisk clump at the confluence with Trout Creek. It's brown because it's dying. The center wasn't sprayed last year so we got it this year.

Andrew Fulks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Andrew,

I am looking into doing a research project on Tamarix in that region and was wondering if we could chat about this project. Do you have GPS data for the inventory of treated plants? I would really love to get a little more info.

