Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Headlamps - not as useful as you'd think

I'd bought a headlamp, thinking it would be useful for two reasons. First, I love having my hands free when hiking, and second, I needed something for use when I'm doing construction work. For example, when fixing plumbing, it's great to be able to shine your headlamp on the work area and keep your hands free.

However, I discovered that when camping on Cache Creek, a headlamp does more than you'd think....Starting out on a night hike, I fitted the headlamp, turned it on, and was immediately surrounded by all manner of bugs which were attracted to the light. Turns out a handheld flashlight is the much better option when outdoors.

So now my headlamp sits in my tool bucket...
But my headlamp did come with a bonus micro LED light that uses coin cell batteries, so I use that when backpacking....

1 comment:

SongMonk said...

Head lamps are also useful when you need to, well, go to the bathroom in the dark. :-)